No-prep Veneers
No-prep veneers are extremely thin custom-made porcelain restorations bonded on teeth that haven’t been prepared. In well-diagnosed cases no reduction whatsoever is needed.
We have the possibility today to bond veneers on teeth that haven’t been prepared. In well diagnosed cases no reduction what so ever is needed.
Based on the genetic morphology of your teeth, a specialist can very well evaluate the type of veneer that is more suited for you or the type of interdisciplinary treatment required for the best seamless aesthetic result.
Simply put, traditional veneers are a more versatile option for most patients. No prep veneers can be a good choice for patients with genetically small or misshaped teeth (even after orthodontic treatment), teeth reduced by erosion or grinding or those with narrow or diminished smiles.
If you are considering this option, our first step is to conduct a complete examination of your teeth and mouth as well as their relationships with your face and your static and dynamic posture.
Our ultimate purpose is seamless esthetics. A subconscious pleasing emotion given by the sum of everything that represents you: the shape of your face, your complexion, your hair, your personality, your static and dynamic posture.
To see some examples of no-prep veneers, please visit our smiles gallery.